10 Coolest Star Wars Outlaws Outfits, Ranked By Style
games have always been filled with fun cosmetics, from the colorful ponchos into the variety of jacket-filled outfits in . However, it has to be Kay's assortment of outfits in that takes the cake, not just for their plethora of callbacks to characters and moments from the films, but also because of just how stylish they are. Kay absolutely pulls off every look, giving players a tough time finding the perfect look to stick with for the entire duration of.
There's a lot of history behind some of Kay's outfits, with several of them being based on characters from TV shows and movies that also appear in. Fortunately, even those without a legacy still manage to impress with great overall design and stylish accessories. While players may stick to a particular outfit thanks to the bonus that it offers, for those who are looking to scour the galaxy in style, there are plenty of colorful outfits for Kay to choose from.
Getting the best abilities in Star Wars Outlaws will allow you to do some space heists in true style and with the flair of a professional.
The Nar Shaddaa Thief outfit in is simple, but incredibly stylish, giving Kay a more nimble and lightweight appearance, perfect for a scoundrel looking to go unnoticed. The outfit includes a light brown sleeveless jacket over a black shirt, a simple brown utility belt, and gray trousers. While it doesn't look like it could hold all of Kay's incredible gadgets in ,the simple yet sleek Nar Shaddaa Thief outfit is the perfect choice for those who prefer something not too flashy.
Nar Shaddaa is the moon of Nal Hutta, the homeworld of the Hutt species, including one Jabba the Hutt. Most notably, Nar Shaddaa is almost exclusively populated by criminals, bounty hunters, crime lords, and more, giving it the apt nickname Smuggler's Moon. It feels fitting, then, that Kay should wear the Nar Shaddaa Thief outfit, in honor of all the scoundrels that came before her.
The Vandor Survivalist outfit in gives Kay everything she needs to