Uncharted: How Old Nathan Drake Is In Each Game
Naughty Dog’s action-adventure series follows the adventures of treasure hunter Nathan Drake and his companions as they travel across the world seeking out hidden fortunes and facing countless foes that stand in their way. With the first game releasing in 2007, the franchise has remained one of Naughty Dog’s most popular series over a decade later. One question players may have, however, is how old their favorite action hero is. Nate has visibly aged over the course of the games, but the games don’t clearly paint out how old he is.
Thanks to several important clues, particularly in the third game, it’s possible to infer Nate’s birth year, and thus his ages in each of the games. fans also seemed to universally agree that Nathan Drake was likely somewhere in his 30s during the events of the game. This impression caused many to decry Tom Holland's casting as the live-action version of the character as appearing far too young. This popular perception of the character seems to line up with the hints given throughout the games.
Rumors suggest that an Uncharted reboot game is currently in the works, with series creator Naughty Dog stepping back to assist a new studio.
It may seem strange to start with the third game, but provides the most important insight into the timeline of the games. During one piece of dialogue, in particular, Sully and Nate reminisce about how they met, mentioning they first crossed paths in Colombia twenty years before the events of the game. “Nate told Sully, who replied, saying, “To this, Nate responded with,
The game was released in 2011, and assuming the characters age in real-time, this would mean the duo originally met in 1991. What’s unclear, however, is whether Nate was 15 when they first met or if he was 15 by the time he landed in jail, meaning he would’ve likely been 14 upon meeting Sully. This means Nate’s birth year is either 1976 or 1977, depending on how old he was at the point of his incarceration.
Working with the assumption