Every Tool for Kay Vess in Star Wars Outlaws, Ranked
In the world of , only the most resourceful smugglers, making use of every tool available to them, will survive. In a galaxy gripped by imperial control, sometimes, not every problem can be solved with a blaster or even a lightsaber. While each of Kay's 11 tools has its uses, some are drastically more versatile than others.
Knowing which tools to find first or spend resources upgrading is a powerful ability for any aspiring smuggler. Some upgrades also provide effects that completely change how a tool is used, making some much more versatile or easier to use with time. While Kay Vess will need to use all her skills, weapons, and knowledge to survive, nothing beats a simple tool to get her in or out of trouble.
There are four main syndicates Kay can align herself with in Star Wars Outlaws, but what are the benefits of choosing one over another?
The Glowlamp is one of the simplest tools at Kay Vess' disposal, but not one without its uses. The Glowlamp provides focused light in dark areas, turning on automatically when the player needs it the most. This lamp provides a cool purple glow as opposed to the bright yellow of a standard flashlight, being a much prettier and more sci-fi-feeling inclusion.
Certain areas of the game will make the Glowlamp come in especially handy as an essential tool. Exploring at night or in dark caves without missing any treasure and walking off ledges would be much harder without a handy lamp. Glowlamps and Glowrods have been used from the Old Republicera to the original trilogy making it no surprise one made its way onto Kay Vess' toolkit.
It's tough to beat the classics, and that's where these thermal detonator Grenades come in. The high explosive damage dealt in a radius around where it's throwncan be a deadly tool when they hit their mark. To make them even more powerful, Kay can unlock even deadlier Grenade boosts from the Hotfixer later in the game, for the right price, of course.
Thankfully, Kay won't have to look far to find